So, you have recently finished Alpha? No doubt you are asking what’s next for you to help you grow your faith? 

One of the things that can be really helpful is some good reading. So here’s a list that might be helpful for you (there might also be some good Christmas presents in there!):

1. ‘Alpha was good but I still have questions about the historical evidence for Christianity, or I’m just curious to know more about the content from those first four weeks of Alpha’.

i) Brant Pitre, The Case for Jesus

This is a great read that defends the Gospels as reliable accounts of Jesus, and argues that Jesus claimed to be God, before examining the evidence for the crucifixion and resurrection.

ii) Alister McGrath, The Great Mystery: Science, God and the Human Quest for Meaning.

The title speaks for itself. It is McGrath who speaks about the number of copies of the New Testament we have in relation to other ancient historical documents in Week 2 of Alpha.

iii) Rebecca McLaughlin, Confronting Christianity

This is an excellent, very readable, though highly challenging book. I think women will find it particularly helpful (which is not to say that men won’t get a lot out of it). 

2. 'Alpha opened my eyes to faith in a whole new way. I want to keep growing as a follower of Jesus’.

iv) Fr Ken Barker MGL, Becoming Fire

Fr Ken is the founder of the Missionaries of God’s Love, the congregation that Frs Chris, Adam and Tony belong to. This book is an introduction to the spiritual life, and includes explanations of how to pray and grow closer to Jesus.

v) Kevin Cotter, Called

This is a five-week guide containing short daily reflections about being an “everyday disciple” today. 

vi) Robert Spitzer, Five Pillars of the Spiritual Life

This book has some really practical insights about prayer, focusing especially upon the Eucharist, spontaneous prayer, partnership with the Holy Spirit, living the Beatitudes, and contemplative prayer. 

vii) Jeff Cavins, The Activated Disciple

Short reflections on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.

viii) Robert Barron, Eucharist

A great explanation of the Mass and its importance for Catholics.

3. 'I want to know more about the Bible'.

ix) John Bergsma, Bible Basics for Catholics

This is a great, short, and highly readable overview of the Bible. It will help you understand the way the Old Testament stories are fulfilled by Jesus. I cannot recommend this one highly enough.

x) Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins, Walking with God, A Journey Through the Bible

This is a longer, more in-depth explanation of the overarching story of the Bible.