There are two ways you can help...

1. To support the Afghan people forced to flee:

Sydney Catholic Archbishop, Anthony Fisher OP, has launched the Archbishop’s Afghan Refugee Appeal. The appeal will raise desperately needed funds and commit the Archdiocese resources of education, health and welfare to Afghan families and individuals fleeing their homeland in the wake of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. The UN and aid agencies are preparing for a Syria scale refugee crisis. The appeal means that those who find their way to Australia will have support and resources waiting for them.

These dark times remind all of us that we really are our brother and our sisters’ keeper. We urge you to donate using the button below.

For further information go to:
Thank you on behalf of the Archbishop and those most vulnerable people for your support.

Archbishop’s Afghan Refugee Appeal
2. To support those left behind and other overseas crises:

Please donate to Caritas Australia so that they are able to respond to humanitarian crises like Afghanistan and others across the world, like Lebanon. 
In Afghanistan, people have been forced from their homes, with half of the population in urgent need of food, water, shelter and protection.
In Lebanon, the country is running out of power, water, fuel, medicine and food. Even hospitals are facing massive fuel shortages and will soon have to turn off the lights.

Click on the link below or call 1800 024 413 toll free to provide much needed support.   

Help those left behind